What is the full form of R and D ?

R and D- Research and Development

The full form and meaning of R&D is Research and Development in a company or in any organization..

Big companies or organizations goes under the process of invention of new things and innovate new products,services etc.Main target is to launch the best product in the market to increase their sales and popularity.

Big Companies with R & D team

  • Microsoft: $19.3 billion
  • Huawei: $22.0 billion
  • Amazon: $42.7 billion
  • Samsung: $18.8 billion
  • Facebook: $18.5 billion1
  • Alphabet, Inc.: $27.6 billion
  • Apple: $18.8 billion

Importance of R & D in India

Research and development is significant for indian organizations to remain cutthroat. This interaction permits organizations to make items that are challenging for their rivals to duplicate. In the mean time, R&D endeavors can prompt better efficiency that helps increment edges, further making an edge in outperforming contenders.In India ,small startups ,iitians are also taking interest in the field of innovation and reasearch.

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