What is the full form of TMKC ?

TMKC- Tere Maa Ki Chut

TKMC is a abusive word in hindi language means Tere Maa Ki Chut.TKMC phrase is very offensive word and you could be punished for using such words.

Alternatively meaning of this abusive word is “F**k Your mother Pu**y“.

Where TMKC is popular?

TMKC is taking very much popularity in India as their native language is hindi. Many peoples arrested in case of using TMKC absusive language.

Trend of TMKC on youtube

Now a days a video on youtube is going to be viral on TMKC Boycott Gang Tmkc | Boycott Gang Tmkc Full Form | What is Boycott Gang Tmkc Trend | Tmkoc | Exposed . This video about TKMC trend and is uploaded on Aug 22, 2022 by All in One by Digvijay Bonawate

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